A Very Merry ThoomFest in Puddleby

Here are some sketches of the first ThoomFest celebration in Central Puddleby. Several Thooms gathered to celebrate the traditional Thoom holiday, and a wonderful time was had by all.

A Thoom Conga line first paraded through town, bringing in good cheer and calling to all exiles to join in the festivities.

Next, Thooms assembled in the traditional tree-like pyramid formation, and dancing exiles surrounded them with kudzu. The three sides of the pyramid represent the three things Thooms value most: education, philosophy, and sailing. I led the crowd in a round of traditional Thoom songs. Remle, by the way, has a remarkable singing voice.

The celebration was concluded with the cryptic ritual of the blinking Thooms. As always, the Thooms were unwilling to explain the significance. I would tell you what it means, but then I would have to beat you senseless.

After the ThoomFest was over, it was back to work for me. I spent some time with two of my favorite healers, Lorikeet and Telisiane, trying to heal the very wounded Thorstorm in North East Field.

Now you can watch the ThoomFest yourself, using the View Movie File... feature in Clan Lord. Click on the link to download it, and play it from within Clan Lord.


Thanks to Bones for providing these movies and helping to make movie playing possible. More movies can be found here.

Updated September 1, 2000