Eye of Eternity
by Merlisk

Sarth sipped his tea and could feel the tension seeping from his body. The last five months had been grueling. Brandooth and he had been given a quest from Brand's father to seek the Eye of Eternity, a mythical gemstone that could give glimpses of the future. Sarth still thought that it was another ploy by Lord Daron to rid himself of Brandooth's presence. After Queen Talisaria had dismissed him as ambassador, however, Brandooth took the quest with the eagerness of a child.

For five months, they had tracked rumors, legends, and sailor's tales across the Thoom continent. They had seen the northern mountains, the southern shores, and the fields of the Farmlands. On two occasions they had creeped into dank caves following up on local rumors. Now, however, their journey had taken a more formal turn.

Sarth took another sip of the delightful, herbal tea and regarded his surroundings. The gazebo over his head was clearly built to induce contemplation. Sunlight filtered through the enormous treetops and lit the garden with a haze of relaxation. He found it somewhat ironic that Brandooth wasn't enjoying any of this.

Brand was having tea with the well-dressed, beautiful owner of this estate, the Mistress Castina. They were seated at a small, intimate table by the garden's flowerbeds. Usually Thoom nobles had reflecting pools, but the Mistress Castina must have decided that the spring weather would yield a wonder collage of colors and fragrance. She was right. Brand had said the gods would not have let her have a reflecting pool for fear of there being two of her, even if one were just a reflection.

Sarth smirked. This was the third day of discussions between Master Brandooth and the Mistress Castina. Brand was convinced that she knew the whereabouts of the gem and perhaps she herself was its guardian. However, the Mistress Castina had fended off all polite inquiries with her smile, wits, and sharp tongue. Sarth wasn't so sure that Brand didn't enjoy the verbal sparring.

After tea, Brandooth gathered Sarth and headed to a nearby tavern. "That woman! If the Council of Elders had a weapon as sharp as her tongue, we could've fended off the Narsons," exclaimed Brandooth. "I know she knows where that gem is. Instead of just telling me, however, she insists on conversation about the weather, politics, gossip, and whatever! Even the way she cocks her head so condescendingly irritates me. I don't know how much of this I can take."

Brand did indeed look weary, Sarth noted. "Brand, are you sure that this gem even exists? We've only heard of legends and rumors to date."

"Well, I do feel the weariness of the road catching up with me. But, the information that monk gave us led us directly to Castina. In addition, as the heir to a vast gem and precious jewels cartel, the profile fits. She has it but won't tell me. I think she delights in tormenting me with insults." Brandooth sighed and ordered another ale as the food arrived. "Sarth, go over again what we know of the gem."

Tasting his food, Sarth replied, "We know that the gem is called, by some, the Eye of Eternity. It gives to whoever looks inside its depths a glimpse of the future. However, it's only activated by humming a small tune, if you believe that monk we paid an enormous amount to." Sarth took a few more bites. "Also, to protect itself from the unworthy, it has the ability to disguise its appearance to whatever his guardian desires." Sarth paused to finish the dish of fish over vegetables. "And, I guess, if you believe those sailor's tales, the guardian is not allowed to even look upon the gem for fear of becoming insane."

The evening passed with Brandooth becoming even more sullen. Dawn found Sarth having morningfeast on the small deck overlooking the street. Brand joined him. His normally fashionable attire was disheveled from a night of fitful sleep. "Good morning, Brand. I take it you didn't sleep well?"

Brandooth peered at Sarth over his warm tea. "No, I didn't. I wrestled with our dilemma 'til early in the morning. I'm puzzled as to our next course of action." Eating some fruit, Brand dejectedly watched Sarth cock his head and follow a fly's erratic flight in search of food. The fly seemed intent on tasting the scrambled bloodhawk eggs, but Sarth diligently tracked its movements and ended it with a swat of a book he was reading.

That was when Brandooth suddenly gasped. Sarth jolted and spilt his tea. Wiping up the liquid, Sarth gently scolded, "Brand! You've made me spill my tea. What is it?"

"The way you cocked your head.....the flower bed.....it should be a reflecting pool! I got it!" Brandooth exclaimed, his eyes glinting. Running back into the room, he continued, "I must get changed. I have a visit to pay to that woman."

Sarth accompanied Brand to the Mistress Castina's house. He watched the beaming Brand pound upon the door to hurry the servants.

"Make haste. I must see your Mistress!" Brand shouted at the butler before being ushered out of sight.

Sarth waited for half an hour before Brand rejoined him. He led his now sullen employer back to the tavern. "Brand? Did you not guess correctly? Did the Mistress Castina not have the Eye of Eternity?"

Brand let out a slow, prolonged sigh. "No. She had it."

Sarth quickly prompted, "Where was it?"

"Well, watching you track that fly, it dawned upon me that she always cocked her head to the same side, almost like she couldn't see out of the other eye. I surmised that the Eye of Eternity was not just a gem to its guardian, but a camouflaged, actual eye. The lack of a reflecting pool led me to think that if she did use the magical gem as an artificial eye, she couldn't accidentally look into the pool and see it with her one good eye. So, I met her and hummed the little tune."

"Did it work?" Sarth asked, clearly excited.

"Yes, it did."

"And?! Why aren't you happy? You've found the Eye of Eternity! What did you see?" Sarth almost yelled when Brandooth was too slow to give the information.

"I saw the future, of course."

"Oh! Oh. I take it the future bodes ill?" Sarth noticeably paled. He hadn't thought that once the quest was complete that the information learned would be bad.

"Yes, I should say so, Sarth. I saw myself taking over my Father's business." Brand continued.

"Brand, that's not bad. It's not horrible at all." Sarth comforted.

"Well, I guess not. But I also saw myself marrying. Do you know to whom? The Mistress Castina!" Brand exclaimed with a look of abject terror upon his face.

Sarth sat back and smiled. He quietly thought to himself, "I didn't need a magical eye to tell me that."

Analysis by Merlisk

Rumors of the enchanted gem called the Eye of Eternity have persisted for centuries. The last known legend has it predicting the coming of the Ascendancy. Since the Emperor's coming, however, nothing new has been recorded of any device that can glimpse the future.

Merlisk is a member of the Sun Dragon Clan, and an associate member of ThoomCare.

Updated January 13, 2000