February 16, 2025
Stoning by Numbers: A, B, C


Mew Para!

Every so often champions manage to bring a good chuckle to a hunt (or at the very least, they get a little giggle from me). I scribbled down some notes from a recent foray, to share with your audience. Thinking about submitting it to the theater so someone can punch it up into a full-blown play. Enjoy!

Act I: A problem, a proposed solution
2/9/25 10:36:35p Jo Ma'ril says, "couldn't stone in time"
2/9/25 10:36:52p Seaforth says, "Lets stone in alphabetical order :-D"
2/9/25 10:37:14p Seaforth says, "Giben, you're up"
2/9/25 10:37:48p Giben turns to stone.

Act II: Complexities within the process
2/9/25 10:38:45p Seaforth says, "I guess Abox comes before G, now that I think of it..."
2/9/25 10:38:58p Dae Fenris exclaims, "The system is off to a great start!"
2/9/25 10:39:11p (Abox can't spell)
2/9/25 10:39:27p (Seaforth counts letters)
2/9/25 10:39:36p Seaforth exclaims, "Henryk, youre next!"
2/9/25 10:39:51p Henryk says, "not enough spirit sorry"
2/9/25 10:40:04p Seaforth yells, "Jo you are next"

Act III: Rules are meant to be broken
2/9/25 10:43:08p Seaforth turns to stone.
2/9/25 10:44:28p Seaforth says, "Back to you for next stone, Abox."
2/9/25 10:44:33p (Seaforth skips Jo)
2/9/25 10:47:10p Seaforth turns to stone.
2/9/25 10:47:29p (Seaforth pretends to be ABox)

P.S. Nothing but love to our champions!

- Dae Fenris

Posted by Para at 11:20 AM
February 10, 2025
Chaos Storm #1419


Chaos Storm #1419 has swept the Lok'Groton island chain. Please post any changes you have observed and wish to share with others in the comments.

2025-02-05 v1419
We love the things we love for what they are. — Robert Frost (1874–1963)

  • Testing potential new Champion ability: Charge. It has some small limits to the number of uses for now, until we figure out balancing. Apply for testing in Champ HQ.
  • A few stubbornly wild pets can now be tamed by healers.
  • Boostus got a little boost.
  • Young lights can now better ward off the dangers of the dark.
Posted by Para at 10:02 AM