Chaos Storm #1024 has swept the Lok'Groton island chain. Please post any changes you have observed and wish to share with others in the comments. If you don't want to read possible spoilers, please do not read any further!
Delta Tao's "What's New" for v1024:
7/12/2017 v1024
A well adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous. — Alexander Hamilton (b. 1757; died 12 July 1804)
* No changes were submitted this cycle.
Coldy sent the following report to TMN:
Greetings Para,
I am writing to report that Puddleby's bath house is now offering flea killing powder in their baths to combat a certain blue fen's "killer" fleas.
For everyone's safety, I would encourage all who have been near him recently to take a bath with this powder!
Coldy, (a blue fen...)