Chaos Storm #933 has swept the Lok'Groton island chain. Please post any changes you have observed and wish to share with others in the comments. If you don't want to read possible spoilers, please do not read any further!
Delta Tao's "What's New" for v933:
0/14/2015 v933
On Halloween, the parents send their kids out looking like me. — Rodney Dangerfield (1921–2004)
* I could tell you what’s new, but then I’d have to kill myself.
Chaos Storm #930 has swept the Lok'Groton island chain. Please post any changes you have observed and wish to share with others in the comments. If you don't want to read possible spoilers, please do not read any further!
Delta Tao's "What's New" for v930:
9/23/2015 v930
Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night. — Hal Borland (1900–1978)
* No changes received this time.