A portal leading to different lands has appeared in Puddleby.
Chaos Storm #331 has swept the Lok'Groton island chain. Please post any changes you have observed and wish to share with others in the comments. If you don't want to read possible spoilers, please do not read the comments.
In his latest journal entry, Azriel reports on downing a drake in-flight and on spotting a walking-on-water spriggin.
Sunblaze reports on an invasion of Abyssal Hunters and the appearance of more drakes in his latest journal entries.
The Open Hands clan is organizing a movie contest. Prizes range from 10000c (1st prize) to 500c (4th prize). Details are available on their forum: http://openhands.puddleby.info (click on the "Movie Contest" icon).
Himitsu tells of helling (err, helPing) Sutai attempt the Giant Crawler challenge and the recent drake problems in her most recent journal entry.
Odesseus sent TMN this old picture from the days of the Ripture War.
Azriel reports on trips to the Orga Village and the Earth Wyrm Cave in his latest journal entry.
In order to encourage the work of Puddleby's top artists, I once again ask exiles to help sponsor the contest with donations for prize money. So far, TMN Ad Art Contest #2 still has only two sponsors:
We'll need more sponsors to provide prizes!
TMN has received one entry so far.
Aravir reports on invading orga and drakes, as well as some new undine, in his latest journal entry.
Wangah Rah has been found safe and sound. Another missing exile is Ruen. Her scroll has not been updated in a long time. Anyone have any news on Ruen?
Feauial has updated his journal after a long absence. You can read his most recent journal entry at his scroll.
Sunblaze reports in his journal entry for 8 Autumn 553 (March 17, 2004) on Muzea leaving the museum and on other news related to the recent increase in drake sightings.
An anonymous TMN correspondent sent this report:
"Not since the male halfling Jumblee missed that war decree something-or-other has a halfling event of such magnitude occurred. Jazz has passed the fifth circle fighter test.
"Asked to comment Jazz replied, 'Fighter tests? Oh yeah. Forgot about those the last couple years, thought I'd try it out again. I have no Detha so it came as a surprise to me when that Blood Wrym fell.'
"Queried for further comment, Jazz replied, while calmly braiding her luxurious toe hair, 'I'm no Adua.' She then 'banged a rang' and disappeared into the night after casually tossing a flagon of Bones Brand™ ThoomCare Scalp Tonic to the intrepid reporter."
Lundar reports on observing migrating drakes in his most recent entry on the ELF Blog.
Odesseus sent TMN the following announcement:
"I am getting the Rising Claw scrolls back into shape, but it seems that the clan has lost the addresses to a number of Claws. Could all RC members please email me at odesseusTHOOMcl@aol.com with your enchanted mail address." (Ed. note: remove "THOOM" from the address. -Para)
"Everyone else is welcome to visit the scrolls at http://www.risingclaw.org/. Also, my sketches, stories and writings of The People are now available at http://www.risingclaw.org/odesseus/."
Azriel reports on trapping a Sun Wyrm and fetching a cacao pod in his latest journal entry.
The Memorial Garden, near the Alliance Castle, is now open.
Chaos Storm #329 has swept the Lok'Groton island chain. Please post any changes you have observed and wish to share with others in the comments. If you don't want to read possible spoilers, please do not read the comments.
Azriel reports on trips to Jade Noids, Kismia's Island, and Sarra in his latest journal entry.
Phineas sent TMN this report:
"There was another drake attack earlier today; two forest drakes and a fire drake (or was it two fire drakes and a forest drake?) were spotted flying around the east field. Several exiles rushed to combat these drakes and fell quickly.
"I was able to get a close-up look look at a mature fire drake (an encounter, I gleefully add, that I survived). Using an old snake charmer's trick, I kept eye contact with the drake as I positioned myself to rescue some rat-chewed exiles. Moving slowly and steadily away from the drake enabled me to bring the fallens safely to safety!
"Drake Master Pro Tip: don't provoke a hungry drake!"
Aprender sent the following good question to TMN:
"Dear Paramedic,
Why is the junkyard full of grapes?
Yours sincerely,
The appearance of the Golden Trout in Puddleby has made it clear that it's time for the second annual TMN Ad Art Contest. The second anniversary of TMN (yes, second OOC) is coming up soon, and I want to celebrate with an Ad Art Contest like the one last year.
In order to encourage the work of Puddleby's top artists, I once again ask exiles to help sponsor the contest with donations for prize money. So far, TMN Ad Art Contest #2 has two sponsors:
Winners of the TMN Ad Art Contest will receive their prize from Paramedic the Thoom, wearing the ceremonial TMN Golden Trout cloak donated by Devil for the original contest.
Contestants are encouraged to submit their original artwork in the form of advertisements for TMN. Some of the rules are a little different from last year's contest, so entrants should be sure to read the instructions below carefully.
Who are the judges?
The judge is Paramedic the Thoom. A panel of artistic exiles may be consulted for assistance in the judging.
What is the subject?
The subject is an advertisement for the ThoomCare Media Network.
What size should my image be?
All entries must be the size of the traditional TMN logo: 360x152 pixels. Other sizes will not be considered.
What about file size?
I would try to keep it less than 100K if possible.
Are animated GIFs acceptable?
Certainly, yes.
Where should I send my entry?
See "Contact Information" in the right-hand column of TMN.
May I submit more than one piece of art?
Exiles may submit as many entries as they like. There is a limit of one (1) prize per exile. Remember, TMN is looking for quality rather than quantity, so you're better off spending more time on one or two creative and polished ads than multiple inferior entries.
Where can I see last year's entries?
Scan through the May 2003 TMN archives.
What sort of style should I use for my ad?
You are open to select any type of style, IC or OOC. Feel free to be inventive with this. What would a TMN ad look like on a signpost in Puddleby? On a parchment delivered to the Darshak? How would a TMN ad look if done in the style of ancient Egyptian art? Italian Renaissance? Art Deco? Medieval illustrated manuscript? Anime? Atari 2600? CNN? Star Trek? Soviet propaganda? Any of these and countless others could provide interesting inspiration.
When is the deadline for submission of entries?
End of the day on May 2, 2004.
Sunblaze reports in his latest journal entries on preparing a guide for dealing with the recent drake invasions and on the creation of a new clan, Destine.
Norm reports on his recent training developments in his journal entry for 83 Summer 553 (3/14/04).
Lundar has a report on a recent expedition to Sarra on the ELF Blog.
Lundar reports on the ELF Blog on the appearance in town of a Thoom known as Merliska.
Soul Hunter's Clan Lord Guide has been added to the list of links on the right-hand side of TMN.
Phineas has brought his pet drake, Dino, to town center today.
Drakes continue to harass Puddleby. Aravir reports on an attack in East Field in his latest journal entry. Blaise sent TMN this image of an encounter with at least six drakes.
The reappearance of the ceremonial TMN "Golden Trout" cloak can mean only one thing. Check back with TMN for more details soon.
Sunblaze's latest journal entries (March 3 and March 4) include accounts of drake and zerk attacks as well as an impressive demonstration of the lava cloak by Viola.
Aravir ran into a little trouble in South Forest. Read more in his latest journal entry.
Hor has updated his journal with an account of some hunting on Melabrion's Island.
Shakyauni sent the following report from the Fairgrounds to TMN:
"I'm not sure which is more disturbing: the frog that zapped everyone, or Slyph as a halfling. I do think Natas makes a great halfling though..."
Martin the Dorf sent TMN the following announcement:
"The Open Hands clan has new scrolls, featuring a new forum. The scrolls are still at: http://openhands.puddleby.info (click the "Reload" button on your web browser if you still see the old scrolls)."
TMN received the following update from Malkor:
"Just thought I'd say hi. How're the fish biting?
The ELF Weblog reports that Xepel has passed the sixth circle fighters' test.
Chaos Storm #327 has swept the Lok'Groton island chain. Please post any changes you have observed and wish to share with others in the comments. If you don't want to read possible spoilers, please do not read the comments.
Sunblaze has a report on a rescue at Melabrion's Island in his latest journal entry.
Azriel has a report on a day of invasions in his latest journal entry.
Shakymuni sent the following report to TMN:
"Thought I would send ya a picture of a little trip some of us took to the abyss. I am hiding in there somewhere. Not too rough of a time, and we actually cleared it a few times."
Sotally Tober sent the following report to TMN:
"Muzea has just opened a new memorial to the Ripture War veterans just north of the Temple in town center.
Sotally Tober