April 17, 2014
Chaos Storm #855


Chaos Storm #855 has swept the Lok'Groton island chain. Please post any changes you have observed and wish to share with others in the comments. If you don't want to read possible spoilers, please do not read any further!

Delta Tao's "What's New" for v855:

4/16/2014 v855
A well-spent day brings happy sleep. — Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519)

* We did a pretty fair-sized spring cleaning among the scripts: the server now wastes appreciably less memory. In theory, you won’t notice any differences. But in practice, there’s always a chance that we dotted a “t” where we should have crossed an “i”; so if you spot anything misbehaving egregiously, please do /BUG it. (Don’t go cross-eyed, or dot-T!)

Posted by Para at April 17, 2014 05:06 AM
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