Now all exiles can try their hands at working in the Thoom publishing business!
What a great way to celebrate this month's 10-year (OOC) anniversary of TMN.
Newspaper circulation is on the up and up! Time to resurrect the Fishwrap, eh eh eh?
Posted by: Anon on May 24, 2012 12:43 AMbeer!
Posted by: Connie on May 24, 2012 09:20 AMOh! We should do some interviews like there used to be :) Let's make a anniversary Fishwrap issue. All reporters step up! I'll get on it. I'll supply an interview and help with the layout and editing. Anyone else wants to contribute?
Posted by: Drablak on May 24, 2012 04:10 PMHappy 10 years, ThoomCare Media Network! And hopefully many more years to come! :)
Posted by: Athl on May 27, 2012 06:10 AMcant locate half the delivery recipients :P, Mira? whut?
Posted by: on May 31, 2012 08:40 PMHappy anniversary, TMN! Great job, Paramedic. In many large cities, journalism is fading away, but the Thoomcare Media Network has continued to serve the people of Puddleby!