Feodoric sent the following announcement to TMN:
For several weeks now an air of excited anticipation has kept Puddleby enthralled. A feeling that something great is about to happen has gripped the populace. Exiles have been observed smiling happily, even breaking into song, overwhelmed by the feeling that something is coming, something good! (If we can but wait!)
Well, my good friends, citizens of Puddleby, I am very pleased to inform you that the event we have all sensed and in whose mysterious approach we have all delighted has arrived! Though I can barely grip my pen, overcome by emotion as I am, I put the truth down here for all to see:
Ser Slyph (renowned and admired knight, healer, socialite, celebrity and many other things besides) and Trymon (esteemed Journeyman Mystic, the ever vigilant watchman over the young) are engaged to be married!
And perhaps even more importantly, they are throwing a party to celebrate it! This (OOC: Saturday at 4:30pm PST) an engagement announcement party is planned whose splendor promises to be surpassed only by the wedding itself. The gracious nature of these lovers, so exquisitely well suited for one another, clearly shows no bounds, as they invite one and all to come and witness the refined beauty and radiant passion of their love. Yes, that's right. YOU are invited to this most intimate and exclusive of gatherings. (Some exceptions apply—you know who you are. So do we. We also know where you live.)
Be sure to attend and look your best for this fine garden party to be held at Gaia's Garden—just west of the playground in east town.
And now a summary for our valued lazy or semi-literate friends:
What: Slyph and Trymon's Engagement party!
When: (OOC) This Saturday, the 5th of March at 4.30 PST!
Where: Gaia's Garden, just west of the playground in east town.
Dress: Spiffing!
Bards very welcome but no poetry please.
In the event that the venue becomes too crowded, some guests may be relocated to the Ethereal Plane.
Discussion and more information on the Clan Lord Sentinel.