Guinness sent the following report to TMN
It all started with a rescue on Metzetli Island . . .
It was deep in the night on the 16th of Autumn, 581. Talin and I were on route to rescue a fallen journeyman mystic, Trymon. The rescue attempt was tricky, and almost failed. While Trymon and I were fallen, a strange looking Yorilla showed up. He was greyish in colour, and upon noticing us he beat his chest. Trymon showed him we meant no harm, and the Yorilla calmed down a bit. The Yorilla then pointed west and beat his chest again. Then the Yorilla pointed east. I pointed west and made a quizzical look on my face. The Yorilla responded by beating his chest again and pointing west.
That was when Naferu, Cor, and ShadowD showed up to help with the rescue. The Yorilla fled before they could arrive.
After we were all back on our feet, ShadowD left. but Trymon knew we should try and find out what the Yorilla was trying to tell us. So the five of us headed west, and north and west and north. It was a little confusing, we were mostly following Trymon's vague feelings. Along the way, we encountered odd creatures that seemed better adapted for the cold than for the jungle of Metzetli.
After awhile we came upon a vale, covered in snow. It seemed this was that Yorilla's home. We heard the Yorrila's cry of "Au au au!" from deep within the vale. We stepped inside and felt that we all had grown somehow from the experience of being the first to discover a new land. But the creatures inside were strong! So we retreated quickly and waited for Mephisto and Tarra d'Alchera to come and assist us explore.
While waiting for them we decided on a name for the place. When someone had mentioned the name "Snow Yorilla Vale", the Yorilla made a gesture to us that he found the name fitting. I made an announcement there and then.
Upon going back in to explore we encountered a variety of creatures that seemed well fit for the cold. There were Snow Haremau Kittens, they hit hard and were fast. Also some Snow Cougars, but these I had no problems handling even on my own. I sighted some Polar Bears that seemed much like the ones you'd find on the cloud. We encountered one Glacial Greymyr. Also there were a few Snow Yorillas. We even encountered a Snowbuck! The Snowbuck was tough, not impossible to hit but much harder than a Fellbuck. The most dangerous creature we found there was the Abominable Snow Yorilla. The ASY would throw abominable snowballs; Naferu fell to one, and we could not get him back on his feet.
Upon entering the Snow Yorilla Vale, you can head west and come to a lava pond where you can warm yourself up a bit. If you head east there is a cave, we tried to make our way into there but the entry was made tricky by a Snow Yorilla.
I'll be posting some of the scribbles I made onto the Sentinel, keep an eye out there for some pictures!
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