J'nder sent the following report to TMN:
Hi Para,
Quick report on yesterday's Orga invasion.
Yesterday I emerged from the library to hear that the Orga were in East Field in force. I hurried over to find exiles holding the bridge against the massed Orga ranks.
The Orga arrived in more and more strength, aided by an army of slimes! The exiles were forced to abandon East Field and defend Town Center.
Eventually we beat them off only to find they had built Orga huts in East field. The huts could be attacked so we set about destroying them.
Some were invisible! And hit back!
We eventually destroyed them.
One exploded, with devastating results.
We then took the fight to the Orga in East Forest, only to run in to Orga we'd never seen before. These included the Orga Fierce--much stronger than a Hatred, and the Bam Bigfingers (looks like a Dred, but
much tougher).
We defeated the Bam Bigfingers, helped by Pe Ell's cunning traps.
The Orga's leader, Bigeye Exilemushtargtar, was cornered at the University, and after a long battle, fell.
Discussion at the Clan Lord Sentinel.