August 02, 2010
Estuary Story


Lorikeet sent the following report to TMN:

Dear Para,

I came late to Azel's Estuary Hunt, but was able to join partway through, as some of the exiles had left. We were searching for the reed cats that Azel is studying. Suddenly, things took a turn for the worst, and I had to chain the rest of our group members. Unfortunately, much of the grass in the Estuary is very heavy, and an exile cannot cross it. Also unfortunately, I didn't know exactly where we were, so I zigged instead of zagged and got stuck in a little itty bitty part of a snell, losing Hunk to a Hellebore on the way. While a rescue group was on the way, we were trying to see if I could pull one of the fallens and sneak out past the sortoise that was hanging around us when suddenly there was a spawn of 8 more. They look very pretty, but we weren't going anywhere. It looked like this:


I do think the powers that be may have wanted me to rue the day I decided not get a pendant. Oh well. It was a tough rescue, but eventually the group was able to find us. Thanks to all of them. (I'm afraid to name names because I will no doubt leave one out.)


Posted by Para at August 02, 2010 10:03 PM
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