May 19, 2010
Chaos Storm #651


Chaos Storm #651 has swept the Lok'Groton island chain. Please post any changes you have observed and wish to share with others in the comments. If you don't want to read possible spoilers, please do not read any further!


Delta Tao's "What's New" for v651:

5/19/2010 v651
There’s always room for improvement, you know — it’s the biggest room in the house. — Louise Heath Leber

* Development continues on new areas.
* No crashes in 467 days and counting.
* You’ll have to explore to discover the rest of this Chaos Storm’s changes. Enjoy!

For Mac users, we’ve recompiled the client in Xcode, so that it will run natively, more or less, on modern systems.

v651 Universal-Binary Client

The traditional PPC/Carbon client is still available for v651, but unless there’s a show-stopper bug in the newer one, we intend to drop the older client for v654 or v657.

The new native client requires Mac OS X 10.4, at a minimum. Accordingly, those few players still using older operating systems (Mac OS 8 – 10.3) will no longer be able to access the game. We’re sorry about that, but it’s becoming impossibly difficult to maintain the old client, relying as it does on long-obsolete development tools.

Posted by Para at May 19, 2010 11:21 PM

You can now see the farms at the snell border with east field, and vice versa. A nicely done decorative touch as it makes the transition look a lot more seamless and natural

Posted by: on May 20, 2010 09:48 AM

Yet more lying snell edges, duh. I dislike these because they visually tell you the next snell is clear, when in fact you have no information. I prefer honesty to pretty. And dont get me started on hidden snell edges on new Ash ..

In the pretty department though, check out the newly redecorated Rocky cavern. And make sure to look deep in ..

Posted by: Azriel on May 21, 2010 06:45 AM

North and East farms have gotten kind of funky and some of the fencing has been replaced by trees or stones. Have found a new path as well.

The prettier edges make some of the existing paths harder to see.

Posted by: Eirian on May 21, 2010 12:24 PM
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