August 19, 2009
TRAP Studies Pit


Fishylish sent the following message to TMN:

Hi Para,

TRAP has an important announcement to make. As you may know, the normal flow of Town Center was recently interrupted by an Abyssal invasion. While the Hunters have gone back to whence they came, an obvious result of this invasion is the gigantic lava pit now marring TC. TRAP representatives* have studied the pit and decided on a classification: "Definitely a Trap" with an intensity of 8.

(Note: The Ackkbar-Epic Scale was invented in order to calculate the danger of traps. The Ackkbar half of the scale runs the gambit from, "Could be a Trap" to "Trap of all Traps". There is no "Not a Trap" - that'd be silly. The Epic scale defines just how stupid it is to go near said trap (intensity runs from 1-11. an intensity of 1 = "pretty stupid". there is no "not stupid", 'cuz that'd be silly).)

Some helpful townsperson has posted a sign warning exiles off of skinny-dipping. Nevertheless, there is still a good likelyhood of being struck blind upon approaching the pool. This accounts for the majority of the danger rating. Other dangers involve teleportation to the second circle of the Abyss, having your head bashed in by a giant skeleton, plunging into Puddleby Underground, roasting alive in lava, blah blah blah etc. etc.

So Puddleby, TRAP says unto you . . . be careful! And remember: traps are not your friend! (but TRAP is)


*me, myself and I

Posted by Para at August 19, 2009 07:18 PM

Oh deary me, I'm famous! Hello mother!

Posted by: Semie on August 19, 2009 11:42 PM

Bah. The Powers-That-Be grant us the perfect trap, and take it away in the next breath! Is there no end to their cruelty??

Posted by: Fishylish on August 22, 2009 08:19 AM
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