Measle sent the following report to TMN:
G'day Puddleby,
Puddleby Players, Lok Groton's foremost acting troupe needs backdrops. The one we already own is very impressive but its hard to do scene changes when you only have one set.
Specifically we're after a mine/mountainous backdrop and a beach/shipboard/nautical type one.
Nonetheless, we'll be happy with fields, castle interiors, deep space, or wherever your artistic bent takes you. Just forward your pictures to me, Eldon, or any of the Puddleby Players. You don't have to be a brilliant artist and we're not fussy art critics.
Thanks arty people.
Good Gaia but I have a tight butt in that first picture. I usually don't get to see it as its behind me all the time.
I should have left some contact details I suppose. I'm at only you have to take the THOOM out.
Posted by: Measle on April 30, 2009 02:41 AMAnyone recall the dimensions required? I think one was 112 - probably height, not sure about width.
Posted by: Inu Teisei on May 1, 2009 06:58 AM266 x 100
But, it's tapered at the bottom. If you're really interested, send me an email and I'll send you what we have now. You can work from that - Take the MEASLE out to send me an email. :)
Posted by: Eldon on May 6, 2009 05:53 AM