Stonehand sent the following report to TMN:
In the wake of the recent influx of fashionable Dwarves to the Lok'Groton island chain, exiles have been asking, "How purple can one dwarf be?"
Today Stonehand, sporting one of the exciting new helmet options for fashionable Dwarves, has finally answered that question, redefining the very limits of what was once considered purple.
Stonehand asked that special thanks go out to Mondegreen and Snorri for their efforts in attaining this new frontier in the realm of purpleitudeness.
Here are some fashion exciting sketches taken of Stonie McHandingson (or "Stonehand" to his friends) posing with the new helmet outside Dark Temple.
Tres Chic!
Posted by: Inu Teisei on April 24, 2009 06:14 AM