#466: Should the ordinance listed at http://www.vagilemind.com/clanlord/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5149 in the library be enacted?
4 (15%): Yes.
21 (78%): No.
2 (7%): None of the above
0 (0%): Abstain
Banning of Blood Magic Ordinance - PB 002
Recognizing the unknown spiritual dangers of blood magic, the practicing of blood magic is hereby banned within the walls of Puddleby, excepting cases of great need or emergency.
This ordinance will take effect immediately upon enactment, if enacted. This ordinance may be repealed by any ballot measure where the question is the repeal of this ordinance, provided a 2/3 majority ‘yes’ vote. The mayor, fen president, sheriff, and town deputies, as well as other officers have the ability to enforce the ordinance by appropriate and lawful means.
In addition to the popular rejection of this ordinance, it also was vetoed by Fen President Largo.
Discussion at Clan Lord Sentinel.