July 19, 2008
Crystals, Meshra Morphing, and Farm Cleaning


Creed sent the following report to TMN:

Hail, Para!

I have a couple of small items to show your readers today!

First, I wanted to offer this sketch of the (relatively) new crystal formations on the EP. Perhaps not everyone has been able to visit lately and see them. They are lovely and mysterious!

Second, I would like to congratulate Chance on getting her first morph as a Ranger. She chose to study infant meshra for her low-histia morph because, quite frankly, she finds them hilarious. On a trip to LP, she showed off for Janus, who unfortunately did NOT show Chance the respect she deserved! :-)



Speaking of Chance, she and I were discussing the fact that we haven't had a farm cleaning expedition in quite some time. Perhaps if Farhope reads this she will organize one, or let us know if she's too busy right now. Chance was roaming the farms east of town recently, and the farmers there seemed quite concerned about the level of rat and vermine activity.


Both Chance and I are willing to help lead a farm cleaning if others are interested.


Posted by Para at July 19, 2008 05:19 PM

A quick glance of the headline lead me to read "Crystal Mething".

Posted by: Phineas on July 19, 2008 10:25 PM

Beware the Crystal Meshra

Posted by: on July 19, 2008 10:41 PM
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