Illora Mone sent the following report to TMN:
Dear Paramedic,
I came in somewhat late, as the fighting was moving from Puddleby to Ash at the time. I did find out that Dar'shak Captains can't really hurt me very much, and can't run fast at all.
We charged into South Ash, fighting mostly midlevel undine and weak Dar'shak. There were some nasty flamers around, one called a High Priest wearing a burgundy robe that Wangah Rah wanted a sample of.
Wangah Rah, portrayal by Hoggle
While he was able to chain one, he was subsequently killed and we had to go find another one. When we took the pentacle room at the top of the tower, we found more High Priests, and the Necro ran from the lands. There was also a Curate, which looked like a Curator but with the same burgundy robes as High Priests.
We cleared the top level and gathered at the pentacle. Wangah Rah returned from taking his sample to his workshop, and was asked to open the portal to the underground complex. As his price of a High Priest corpse had been met, he performed the ritual to open. Natas seemed asleep on his feet, so Wangah Rah ran around behind him and tried to push him in. Apparently, we can only pass through certain portals if we move in of our own volition. The portal closed by the time Natas awoke from his daze and tried to pass through, so Asenath reopened it. A group of us then charged in and fell rather rapidly. Most departed in the next few minutes, as no word came from outside.
When word did come, more departed, as Merlisk reported that no one was willing to reopen the portal to where we lay fallen. Darnok laid all the blame onto Wangah Rah. After he departed, he began to sue Wangah Rah, accusing him of deliberately sending us all to die and then walking away. No jurors were summoned for this case. Darnok tried again, and though we were notifed of possible jury duty, it did not call us past the countdown to ten seconds. A subsequent attempt by Natas snagged both Ratbane and Skye, leaving myself and Starsword behind. Starsword was in the process of d/cing and soon disappeared.
The jury found Wangah Rah innocent of 'being a jerkoff waste of time'.
Disappointed that I'd not been summoned, Darnok sued Wangah Rah again, with a result of only two jurors. Another try resulted in one juror, countdown once again did not advance past ten seconds.
Darnok tried one last time, accusing Wangah Rah of 'To get those fallen out of DT maybe..'. This time, I appeared in the jury box.
Haengemie says, "This trial is to settle the matter wherein Darnok has accused Wangah Rah of To get those fallen out of DT maybe.."
Haengemie says, "Darnok and Wangah Rah will each be given a chance to state the facts pertinent to the case."
[skipping ahead]
Haengemie says, "Darnok, you have 90 seconds to speak."
Clera notes the jurors for the record: Pun'isher, Natas, Afrit, Althea, Manquilor, Illora Mone, Gustave, DragonHawk, Ragi, Baltok, Joel
Darnok says, "I guess I don't need to really present much of a case considering my opponenet neglected to show."
Darnok says, "Wangah Rah got us all to go down to the pentagram under DT,"
Darnok says, "where he proceeded to try and get a High priest so he could open up the portal there."
Darnok says, "He then attempted to push myself and natas into said portal while both of us were afk."
Darnok says, "Although this did not work..."
Darnok says, "will continue"
Darnok says, "done."
Haengemie says, "Wangah Rah, you have 90 seconds to speak."
Wangah Rah says, "Hm"
Wangah Rah says, "It seems I can speak."
Wangah Rah says, "It is clear why I did not show up."
Wangah Rah says, "Darnok repeatedly sues me."
Wangah Rah says, "I was already found innocent in Natas's case."
Wangah Rah says, "Therefore, this entire proceeding should be declared a mistrial."
Wangah Rah says, "I will state facts relevent in the next round."
Wangah Rah says, "Done."
Haengemie says, "Thank you, Wangah Rah."
Haengemie says, "Darnok, you have 120 seconds to speak."
Darnok says, "Point of order, you were found innocent of Natas charges of being a jackass, my charges are completely different."
Darnok says, "So there is no mistrial, as for me sueing you before, everyone know's the court was bugged."
Darnok says, "Continuing what I was saying,"
Darnok says, "You were not the sole reason for us going down there."
Darnok says, "However,"
Darnok says, "You did attempt to push people in and refused to reopen after we all fell to let rescuers in."
Darnok says, "This is why I think you should be punished."
Darnok says, "Also you are always trying to sell this town down the river to the highest bidder."
Darnok says, "This has been seen numerous times in the past."
[jury crosstalk]
Althea whispers, "he's not on trial for that!"
Illora Mone whispers, "except in this, it's not relevant"
Pun'isher whispers, "he is on trial for shoving others though"
Darnok says, "Anyway, I got Illora out of DT so my primary goal is accomplished."
Darnok says, "Good luck jury."
Darnok says, "done."
Haengemie says, "Thank you, Darnok."
Haengemie says, "Wangah Rah, you have 120 seconds to speak."
Wangah Rah says, "Jury, please dismiss what he has said about my past. As the judge says, this is about THIS case."
Wangah Rah asks, "His goal was to get Illora. Why does this require finding me guilty of some vague crime?"
Wangah Rah says, "I did not open the portal. Asenath did."
Wangah Rah says, "Furthermore, I was not even asked to open it again."
Wangah Rah says, "Many departed, saw how difficult it was, and had no desire to go back."
Wangah Rah says, "I was taunted with being a coward, and told to gather a rescue."
Wangah Rah says, "As a humble mystic, I cannot save them, but if asked to open, I would be glad to assist."
Darnok thinks, "Point, that was after we all departed."
Wangah Rah says, "Am I a jackass? Perhaps."
Wangah Rah says, "Am I responsible for a massacre? Not this time, clearly."
Darnok thinks, "And you flatly refused to open unless you were well compensated."
Wangah Rah says, "I rest my case."
Wangah Rah says, "Done."
Haengemie says, "Thank you, Wangah Rah."
Haengemie says, "Jury, you will adjourn to vote on a verdict."
Bellafae hands Haengemie the jury's verdict.
Haengemie says, "Wangah Rah, this court finds you guilty, as accused."
Haengemie says, "Jury, you have found Wangah Rah guilty."
Haengemie says, "You will now adjourn to recommend a sentence."
Bellafae hands Haengemie the jury's sentencing recommendation.
Haengemie says, "Wangah Rah, you are hereby sentenced to spend 30 minutes in the Puddleby jail,"
Haengemie says, "and fined 236 coins."
Judge Haengemie bangs his gavel
Haengemie yells, "This court is adjourned."
* On Autumn 45, 570, Wangah Rah was in court for To get those fallen out of DT maybe..
* And sentenced to 30 minutes in jail, with a fine of 0c, in absentia.
* That sentence is now being imposed.
Discussion on Clan Lord Sentinel.
DragonHawk sent the following images of the events to TMN: