Borkiron sent the following report to TMN:
Hiya Para,
With the recent controversy over the castle, I thought I'd send this recent sketch of when Geotzou, Kayander Mere, and I happened to visit the castle site just before construction started (this was literally just several hours before the chaos storm came that brought the construction workers). So this is a record of one of the last views of the farmhouse/fort before the "construction" work began that demolished it.
This house was itself built after years of donations by exiles, so why has it been demolished now? And what was all the point of all the donations that went to building it? Maybe someone should investigate.
As far as other unusual happenings, there were two that caught my attention. First, when I went to look around Joel Crotchet's candle shop in south town one day, he wasn't selling only candles, but also the black book with the cover of a full and crescent moon (the same kind as on the back table near his cat).
From the cover images, I thought it might be a healer book. But when I went to admire it, I was horrified to find it was a counterfeit book. This concerned me because a candle and a book are 2 of the 3 items to be found in the quest to become a healer. Does Joel sell unauthorized bells too? I wouldn't want to have counterfeit healers around. But then, if they only have counterfeit moonstones, maybe it doesn't matter after all.
Second is from quite a few weeks ago when I went to the tailor shop to try out some dyeing/bleaching combos. There were three fashion designers (I guess) giving out trial garments. Maxie, a Thoom, handed out a navy blue skirt; and Minnie, a Fen, gave out a maroon one. More interesting was a Zo named MacSporran who had forest green trial kilts. However, once I had possession of them, they all turned out to be identical skirts (except for color). I tried them all on, but bizarrely, they all made me look fat. It's not my imagination, is it (compare with the mannequin made up to look like me up north)?
Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to take any of them out of the shop, as they were only trial skirts/kilts (same as the trial shoes or trial hair dyes or trial musical instruments in their respective areas). Skirts aren't my style anyway (even if I didn't look so bloated in them), but others might be interested. However, when I went back not long after, the fashion designers weren't around any more. No idea about their whereabouts or if they'll come back.
Well, those are some odd incidents I encountered recently. Seeya, bye for now.
Posted by Para at April 03, 2008 08:43 AM