J'nder sent the following report to TMN:
Hi Para,
Here's a couple of sketches I made during the quiet bits of the noid invasion recently. I think the noids first appeared in East field. Hunk and I headed to East field. There were various kinds of noids including web throwers, and a new kind to me: "Curious Noids."
Together with the exiles that were already defending East Field, we fought the noids, several times having to retreat to east town to heal our fallen.
Pushing on in East Forest, we found strangely strong Emerald Noids guarding the snell exits. They were difficult to defeat, but very rewarding, as their mandibles fetched a high price (over 300 coins for one set). Again, we were beaten back time after time, and only thanks to the excellent skills of the fighters, chainers, and Lorikeet's Horus were we able to prevail.
Eventually we entered the Noids Cavern and more exile reinforcements arrived. Here we were set up upon by "Hairy Noids" and Recluse Arachne, as well as Albino Noids. Several exiles, including myself, were fallen for hours until being rescued. As the noids were defeated one by one we were able to surround the "Deathtrap Web Thrower" (I think it was so called) and vanquish it.