MaryJane sent the following Purple Haze Press Release to TMN:
Sometime in year 568 (around RL November 2007) mystics began receiving cryptic, enciphered messages from Tenebrion. In Winter of 569 (RL November 18, 2007) Purple Haze discovered a method to decode these messages and realized that each message received is a component of a longer message. Since then, Purple Haze has been gathering these messages in an attempt to decode them and assemble the complete message.
So far, we have gathered and decoded over a dozen unique messages. The messages, as a whole, seem to be a retelling of the creation myth, although with several additions to the narrative that are not yet clear. Why Tenebrion would tell us such a story while fallen in the Annulus also still eludes us.
We have learned a few things, though. For one, no special training is necessary for a mystic to receive a message, although reception of a message can be draining to a mystic's mental energy. Secondly, we are certain that the mystic must be wearing an Ethereal Amulet in order to receive a message. If Tenebrion attempts to send a message to a mystic not currently wearing an amulet, that mystic will merely feel the presence of Tenebrion in his or her mind.
While the complete message is still fragmented, we have assembled what appear to be two complete sentences:
"Twelve of them remained when the rest were hung in the heavens as stars."
"The daughters he named Ash, Mirvi, Jaloh, Badosmi, Pelma and Tanjah."
Purple Haze would like to take this opportunity to deeply thank those who have relayed messages that they have heard to us. Without you, we would not be this far.
Extrapolating from the messages we have now, we are most likely missing around ten of the messages. In all likelihood other mystics have received messages, but either do not know about our efforts or simply refuse to share them with Purple Haze on philosophical grounds. It is the opinion of Purple Haze that these messages do not constitute a mystic secret, as they are of interest to all of Puddleby. It is in this spirit, and in the hope of future collaboration, that we disclose this information to Puddleby.
Further discussion on the Clan Lord Sentinel.