March 11, 2008
Smok the Duelist


Connie Crete sent the following report to TMN:


Well this were off tha beaten path fer me. I were off huntin (normal stuff) and Smok comes over tha sunstone and challenges me ta a duel. Now me, I generally dont participate in that stuff as there be no coin ta be made, but well, Smok be a 'special' zo so I said I'd humor him after tha mosey.

I picked tha time - after tha mosey ends. Smok picked tha place - tha badlands. Turns out, we had a couple o hours o night left, so it were good timin fer Smok. Anyways, V'ree and Wangah and Hunner came ta officiate and make sure there warnt no cheatin goin on.

Initially, I figgured Smok were blowin smoke and didnt expect me ta take him up, so I gived him tha chance ta back out. Instead we went and gotted jerseys. He wanned red fer blood and chaos. I wanned yella fer beer.

We gits set and Wangah bein tha observationaltype mystic he be, kept findin stuff ta slip unobtrusivelike inta his pocket. I'll admit I tipped him and V'ree fer their time initiallike, but Ima guessin he were findin mystic stuff also ta pick up. Ya knows . . . like that 'thing' we allays searches tha savannah fer.


Round 1 starts. Smok wiffs and wiffs and wiffs. Finally he starts gitn good hits. 'bout tha time Ima down ta 30% o my health, I picks up tha ugba. I waits and bides and waits and then like last call, downs him inna instant befer I falls myself. Lucky fer me tha ugba has tha bonus when drunked.



So Smok thinkin it be a fluke wants ta go fer 2 outta 3. Now we all know Ima lil 2• dorf. He gits all perpared like. He does sumthin sumthin with his sword o souls. I dunno... is shiney and it screams. And we starts. Agin with tha wiff wiff wiffin. Then he pops over ta Wangah and kin hit. In fact, he accidentally hit tha wrong person. Oh well, is a mystic's lot ta court danger. Well, he were wiffin so much, I started doin a bit o tha trash talkin. I figgured he could start with tha vermines and work up ta me. That sure got him riled up causn then he could hit. Blam Blam Blam. Agin, at 25-30%, I picks up tha ugba. I waits and bides and BLAM! Round 2.



Durin tha waitn and yawnin part, I pushed him about with tha shieldstone. Natas Pong be gonna be not so very easy. Ima still workin on tha rules with Manqy, but there's gotta be possibilities fer multiple raisin. Hmmm . . . that should benefit tha bursters and tha faustusers. Now ta figgure out how other folks kin work in tha teams.




Posted by Para at March 11, 2008 07:41 PM

What is ugba?....

Posted by: TYP on March 12, 2008 04:25 PM

UberBloodGossAxe, I believe.

Posted by: Xepel on March 12, 2008 06:40 PM

You know what would be sweet? Talking like a normal person, yeah then I may be able to tolerate reading the entire story! Sweet.

Posted by: Zaroff on March 12, 2008 08:58 PM

Way to kill Smok. He sucks as a character AND as a player!

Posted by: on March 13, 2008 09:52 AM

nice story Connie, I wonder what Wangah was doin' all that time though sowrd of souls + mystic + Connie fallen = ?????, hmmmmmmmm

Posted by: Ashen on March 15, 2008 03:49 PM


Hmm, so Zaroff aint never heard no accents in his sheltered lyfe? And changin ta talk like him would encourage him ta come back? And continuin ta talk normal keeps him away?


E.O. v2.0

Posted by: Connie on March 15, 2008 04:48 PM
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