The good tidings surrounding the recent election of Fen President Odesseus unfortunately do not completely erase the lingering question: what happened to Fen Vice President Largo? Largo would have presumably been the front-runner in a race to replace Manx.
Will Puddleby see Largo again? Or will his legacy remain that of a political opportunity unfortunately missed?
Largo, a painting by Hoggle
As we look forward to a new Fen Administration, and think of those past, let's review the final entries in Largo's Journal, which unfortunately did not get posted onto TMN previously:
The Ninth Page: Largo and the Wendecka Invasion
The Tenth Page: Largo and the New Myrms
The Eleventh Page: Largo and the Heralds
The Twelfth Page: Largo and the Heralds II
The Thirteenth Page: Largo on Wangah Rah
Discussion on Clan Lord Sentinel.