Creed sent the following report to TMN:
Hail, Para,
I don't believe anyone has reported on the recent appearance of an Orga Loathing in OC1. It was very startling to see such a high-level orga in a relatively "easy" area, and the first group of fighters who encountered it were startled, to say the least.
After a few moments of panic and attempts to S&P the beast, the exiles retreated and brought in reinforcements while Geotzou displayed his zu-planting skills. The zu proved useful when a large swarm of regular orga rushed in to rescue their companion. They were relatively easily defeated, and the exiles then concentrated on the Loathing.
With a strong group effort, the exiles brought the huge enemy down. We then celebrated with a well-deserved drink right there in OC1. Exiles win again!