MaryJane sent the following report to TMN:
Beer to ya, Paramedic.
I wanted to tell you how exciting it was to stabilize the incursion on Devil's Island this past Merdi. It started with Xel, Kani, Relkin, Suuub and I moving the portal into place. The battle raged for most of the early morning and just after sunrise, the exiles were victorious as the kyuem powered up.
Phroon rallied folks through the battle and managed to lead us into a more stable plane.
Well done, exiles!
Congratulations! Great job!
What EP snell does it link to?
Posted by: Yor on August 29, 2007 08:13 AMGreat work Exiles. Keep up the fight MJ!
Posted by: on August 29, 2007 08:28 AMCredit should also be given to Cap'n Vagile Savane, who rallied the troops during the first half of the battle before falling asleep because there weren't enough things for Vagile to hit.
Posted by: Kani on August 29, 2007 10:26 AMThe portal leads to Onyx 3
Congrats Exiles..
As for credit going to Cap'n Vagile..well, she, like Suuub is just so full of awesomeness that everything she is involved in becomes awesome by default... sorry I missed giving her credit where it was due.
Posted by: MaryJane on August 29, 2007 11:30 AMCongratulations to all the victors! I'm sorry I couldn't be there for the fight. Awesome job!
Posted by: Creed on August 29, 2007 05:31 PMVagile had much fun. There were many things to hit. The healerers and the chainers were fantastic. It was a lot like a clan hunt in the old days when RQ would all go somewhere and fall and depart except that didn't happen this time.
Vagile was called away irl and missed the end. grrr.
AWESOME!! Wish i could've been there with all of you!
Posted by: WarChild on August 30, 2007 06:38 AM