Largo and His Shirt
Snow exclaims, "Thoom, Para!"
(Paramedic smiles and waves.)
Paramedic says, "Thoom."
Largo says, "Para, I have a story for you."
Largo says, "it's a followup to the one about my shirt."
Largo says, "I STILL have the shirt."
Paramedic says, "Oh really."
(Largo nods.)
Largo says, "I think it warrants the front page."
Largo says, "So, anyway."
Largo says, "This shirt is front page news."
(Largo nods.)
Bastion says, "Largo, i sold it to you, making it a pathetic shirt coz i owned it :P"
Paramedic asks, "So, Largo, who will you and your shirt be supporting for Fen President?"
Largo says, "Oh, Manx."
Largo says, "Easy."
Largo says, "She's cutest."
Largo asks, "Wait, who's running again?"
Paramedic says, "Daimoth, Manx, Odesseus, and Tigger"
Largo says, "Oh."
Bastion says, "Daimoth"
Bastion says, "by far"
Bastion says, "coz he beats me up ifi dont vote for him"
Paramedic says, "I think it's going to be a competitive election"
(Largo strokes his chin.)
Largo says, "Out of those cantidates, Manx is still cutest."
Paramedic asks, "How about you, Snow? Looking forward to the Fen Presidency election?"
Snow exclaims, "Err...sure!"
Andarius ponders, "fensident?"
Snow asks, "Who's running again?"
Paramedic says, "Everyone should vote, it's an important election"
Andarius ponders, "is that a tooth paste?"
Paramedic says, "Daimoth, Manx, Odesseus, and Tigger"
Bastion asks, "whos runnign what now?"
Largo says, "Right, because the fen president does so much."
(Paramedic nods)
Largo says, "It'd be wrong to put all our fates in the hands and paws of the other voters."
Largo says, "Frankly, I'd like to know why Relkin didn't run this year."
Snow says, "Odesseus does catnip, he just claims he doesn't inhale."
(Smeester is confused)
Smeester says, "i went to the corner, and they all started there"
Smeester says, "i was trapped from the moment it started"
Bastion says, "wierd..."
Smeester says, "yeah.."
Bastion says, "blame GMs"
Largo says, "He's got even Manx beat for looks, and I bet he'd appoint me in charge of something."
Smeester says, "never gonna pass if that keeps happening"
Bastion says, "or blame Polerand"
Smeester says, "grr"
Smeester says, "hate that test"
Snow says, "Poor Smeester."
Janus says, "There there Smee"
Janus says, "I failed sixth... if that makes you feel any better"
Smeester exclaims, "but they all spawned right on me!"
Paramedic says, "It's always hard to decide who should get more blame, GMs or Polerand"
Smeester exclaims, "that shouldnt happen!"
Bastion says, "yes Para"
Smeester says, "i never moved more than a foot.."
Bastion says, "it is very hard..."
Smeester says, "grr"
Bastion says, "I’m still deciding wether we should start blaming Largo..."
(Andarius tilts his head a smidge)
(Smeester now wants to go kills things, to get the anger out)
(Paramedic nods)
Largo says, "Pfft."
Snow says, "I say we just begin fighing amongst ourselves"
Largo asks, "Who could blame this face?"
(Largo bats his eyelashes.)
Janus ponders, "everyone"
Super Chicken yells, "Bawk!"
Hoggle Wonders about the Issues
Paramedic asks, "How about you, Hoggle? Looking forward to the Fen Presidency election?"
Hoggle says, "hrm...."
(Whim wants to be Fen President)
Bastion asks, "why isn’t Gorvin running for Fen President?"
Snow says, "I thought these were Mid-Fen elections."
Hoggle says, "not quite sure I know where they are on the issues i care about.."
WormTounge says, "Daimoth's been campagining."
Hoggle asks, "like where are they on colored helmets for dwarves?"
Largo says, "Manx loves fashion, Hoggle."
(Snow flings a rock at Super Chicken)
WormTounge says, "Hoggle, taxes, military spending and the like."
Paramedic says, "I'm hoping the candidates will be issuing some statements"
(Super Chicken gets bonked on the head with Snow's rock)
Hoggle says, "I hear Daimoth suggests we cut and run vs. the Bartok situation.."
Whim blows hard into a sea horn.
Super Chicken exclaims, "!"
Hoggle says, "while Manx wants to stay the course.."
(Snow laughs)
Super Chicken blows his horn.
WormTounge says, "Although I think it's more the issues he thinks the people he's talking to are interested in."
Super Chicken blows hard into a sea horn.
Largo says, "It's not like anyone listens to the fen president anyway."
Whim ponders, "Super Chicken is a blow hard"
Largo says, "And Manx is easily the best looking."
Super Chicken asks, "Why don't you run for fen president, Largo?"
Super Chicken conks Largo with a greymyr rock candy.
Largo says, "I would have, if I'd known the election was coming."
Paramedic says, "Yes, perhaps you can be a future candidate, Largo"
Super Chicken conks Janus with a greymyr rock candy.
Hoggle says, "kalian for ranger fen president imo.."
Snow picks up a greymyr rock candy.
Largo says, "I'm not terribly interested in politics, but I think I could do alot of good."
Largo says, "So, anyway. Manx is the best candidate this year, at least."
(Smeester hurls a coin at Janus' head)
(Janus takes the coin.)
Bastion picks up a coin.
Bastion exclaims, "woo!"
Bastion exclaims, "I’m rich!"
Janus ponders, "thief"
(Smeester throws another)
(Bastion throws money at Janus)
Janus picks up a coin.
Hoggle ponders, "imo bastion is one of those lobbiests trying to push his no taxation on untraining."
Janus says, "Woo"
Janus exclaims, "I'm rich!"
(Whim nods)
Smeester says, "let’s go get richer"
Bastion ponders, "heh"
(Janus lazes.)
Largo asks, "Who DOES select the candidates, anyway?"
Largo asks, "Does being fen president mean you get to boss Noivad around?"
Paramedic says, "I doubt it"
Largo asks, "What exactly does it entail?"
Largo says, "Haha. enTAIL."
Smeester says, "bah"
Largo asks, "Get it?"
Paramedic says, "hah"
Daimoth Reveals His Platform
Daimoth is now Clanning.
Paramedic says, "there's a candidate now"
Paramedic says, "You could ask Daimoth"
Largo says, "But you're a reporter, you're supposed to have all my answers."
Paramedic says, "Nah, as a reporter I get to ask all the questions"
Daimoth asks, "Why isn't Lorikeet running this year?"
Largo says, "Right, then relay the answers to me."
WormTounge says, "Or Valtrim"
Daimoth says, "Because Valtrim's corrupt."
WormTounge says, "That wouldn't stop him running."
Paramedic says, "I think there's some sort of term limit so the same people don't get elected over and over"
Largo asks, "And Tigger isn't?"
WormTounge asks, "Daimoth, why are you campagning against someone who's not running?"
Kalian says, "He likes competition"
Daimoth says, "Because we still have to clean up the effects of his presidency."
WormTounge says, "You've been saying "Down with Valtrim" constantly. Yet there's no reason to."
Daimoth says, "Yes there is."
Daimoth says, "I believe he has allies. Some of whom are running now. They are a part of his corrupt party."
Largo says, "Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me."
Daimoth says, "Conspiracy Fact."
Paramedic says, "Perhaps he's defining himself against the present Fen President administration"
(Daimoth nods.)
Largo asks, "What exactly did he do?"
Daimoth says, "Look at where his presidency has gotten us."
WormTounge says, "Helped rescue people who fell. Gave mystic boosts."
Largo asks, "The same place all the others have?"
Largo says, "I'm pretty sure the fen president doesn't actually DO anything."
Daimoth says, "If I am made president, I will make seventh and eighth fighter tests a reality."
Kalian exclaims, "woo!"
(Kalian cheers)
(Daimoth nods.)
(MaryJane considers putting her vote up for sale)
(WormTounge laughs.)
Daimoth ponders, "Hmm."
WormTounge says, "I'm sure buying votes isn't against the rules."
MaryJane ponders, "poor mystics can be bought"
Rakshasa: Jaded about Fen Politics
Rakshasa is now Clanning.
(MaryJane takes lessons from Malkor)
Paramedic exclaims, "Rakshasa!"
Rakshasa says, "thoom, Para"
Paramedic asks, "What's your position on the Fen Presidency?"
Lorikeet is now Clanning.
Daimoth asks, "Why hasn't Rakshasa been nominated yet? He'd win too easily?"
Rakshasa ponders, "fen politics is a joke..."
Rakshasa says, "Um"
Rakshasa says, "it's a very serious matter but"
Rakshasa says, "so far I've been in support of Daimoth, I guess"
Tomato sets down his heavy pretzel box.
(MaryJane giggles)
(Paramedic listens)
Lorikeet crunches on a pretzel.
Rakshasa says, "cause he's the only person I've seen on..."
Daimoth ponders, "He guesses?"
Rakshasa asks, "who else is there ?"
Tomato sets down his heavy pretzel box.
Paramedic says, "Manx, Odesseus, Tigger"
Tomato sets down his heavy pretzel box.
(Largo grins.)
Tomato sets down his heavy pretzel box.
Rakshasa says, "oh right"
Lorikeet says, "Yes I see I must have displeased you, Para ;)"
Tomato sets down his heavy pretzel box.
Leggo says, "=)"
Tomato sets down his heavy pretzel box.
Manx is now Clanning.
Leggo asks, "wtf?"
(Leggo points at the pretzles)
Leggo takes a pretzel from the box.
Paramedic says, "I think it's some obscure term limits thing, Lori"
MaryJane ponders, "you can't get out of the library now"
Lorikeet says, "Doubt it."
Lorikeet says, "You just don't like me any more."
Kalian asks, "There is a rule book?"
(Paramedic rolls his eyes and whistles)
Koppi yells, "Paramedic reports: It's election time. Be sure to cast a vote for Fen President!"
WormTounge says, "Lorikeet, if you were on the ballot it might split the vote Daimoth's trying to get."
(Daimoth nods at Paramedic, deftly slipping his flash money back into his pocket.)
Shadowmutt growls, "Grrr."
Lorikeet says, "Yes. Para likes him now."
Shadowmutt notices Daimoth and wags its tail.
Kerrah ponders, "Who wouldn't?"
Kalian says, "Don't worry Lori, Para hates me too."
Paramedic says, "Arguably, it helps if TMN has an embarrassing image of you in the archives"
Manx Greets the Voters
Manx crunches on a pretzel.
Lorikeet says, "Yes you put that in too."
Paramedic says, "Oh, it's Manx, another candidate"
Daimoth ponders, "Oh here comes Manx with her daily dose of propaganda."
WormTounge says, "Hello Manx."
Manx exclaims, "Greetings, constituents!"
(Kerrah scoffs.)
Lorikeet says, "..."
Kerrah ponders, "What a kiss-up."
(Manx gives her best parade wave!)
(Daimoth scoffs.)
(Kalian grins)
Paramedic asks, "Manx, what do you think about Odesseus' idea of putting Super Chicken on his ticket?"
Paramedic asks, "Can Fens and a bird really get along?"
Kerrah says, "For dinner, sure."
Manx says, "I think so."
Kalian says, "Sounds like a good meal to me"
(Manx picks her teeth.)
(Paramedic nods)
Rakshasa says, "hmm"
Rakshasa asks, "Daimoth, Manx, what are your opinions on ducks in favor of chickens?"
(Rakshasa quacks.)
Manx says, "Well..."
(Largo grins.)
Daimoth says, "I don't support bipartisan behavior."
Manx says, "If I can count on the votes of the Zouclougeist Alliance,"
Manx exclaims, "I'm all in favor of ducks!"
Tomato Surrounds the Libraries with Boxes of Pretzels
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Kerrah ponders, "Sounds wishy-washy to me."
Daimoth ponders, "Manx is a flip-flopper."
(Manx straddles the fence at every opportunity.)
Cecil thinks, "uh, whats going on?"
Manx says, "My publicist tells me that I will cut taxes."
Altir thinks, "lookin fer hops."
Kerrah ponders, "Michael is her publicist."
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Manx says, "And I just got confirmation from my running-mate."
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Cecil thinks, "who the hell put all these boxes here"
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Daimoth ponders, "Heh"
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Paramedic says, "Man, that's a lot of crunching"
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion takes a pretzel from near the bottom of the box.
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
(Hadji waves)
Bastion takes a pretzel from near the bottom of the box.
Manx ponders, "Crunch"
Bastion yells, "everyone come help eat these please"
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion takes the last pretzel from the box.
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Cecil crunches on a pretzel.
Kalian says, "uh"
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Manx exclaims, "this is an outrage!"
Cecil takes the last pretzel from the box.
Kerrah ponders, "..."
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Tomato sets down his heavy pretzel box.
Cecil crunches on a pretzel.
Cecil takes a pretzel from the box.
Cecil crunches on a pretzel.
Cecil takes a pretzel from the box.
Aria says, "where is the beer for all them pretzels"
Bastion says, "not sure but its damned annoying"
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Cecil takes a pretzel from the box.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Cecil crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Cecil takes a pretzel from the box.
Cecil takes a pretzel from the box.
Rakshasa exclaims, "Outrage!"
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Cecil crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Cecil takes a pretzel from the box.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Cecil crunches on a pretzel.
Manx ponders, "Plying our taxpayers with salted goodies so close to election time."
Cecil takes a pretzel from the box.
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Paramedic says, "This may be an election tactic"
Cecil crunches on a pretzel.
Cecil takes a pretzel from the box.
Manx takes a pretzel from the box.
Cecil crunches on a pretzel.
Paramedic asks, "Who placed all these?"
Cecil takes a pretzel from the box.
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Aria watches the feast.
Cecil crunches on a pretzel.
Manx crunches on a pretzel.
Kalian asks, "a crazy person?"
Bastion says, "dunno but i wanna kill em"
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Paramedic says, "hmm"
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Manx takes a pretzel from the box.
Rakshasa ponders, "This is like old school foothills with no shovel"
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Manx takes a pretzel from the box.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Rakshasa crunches on a pretzel.
Daimoth says, "It's like what Kerrah's dinner must look like."
Paramedic crunches on a pretzel.
Aria takes a pretzel from the box.
Aria crunches on a pretzel.
Manx crunches on a pretzel.
Rakshasa crunches on a pretzel.
Kerrah exclaims, "I don't eat anywhere near that much salt!"
Aria crunches on a pretzel.
(Largo grins.)
Aria takes a pretzel from the box.
Rakshasa takes a pretzel from the box.
Kerrah says, "I am a meat-eater, through and through."
Aria crunches on a pretzel.
(Manx's blood pressure spikes!)
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Kerrah says, "Usually sausage."
Rakshasa takes a pretzel from the box.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Aria crunches on a pretzel.
Nerazus asks, "what the?"
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Tomato sets down his heavy pretzel box.
Aria crunches on a pretzel.
Aria takes a pretzel from the box.
Aria crunches on a pretzel.
Tomato sets down his heavy pretzel box.
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Aria takes a pretzel from near the bottom of the box.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Kalian says, "heh"
Aria crunches on a pretzel.
Kerrah ponders, "All the crunching!"
Aria takes a pretzel from near the bottom of the box.
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Tomato sets down his heavy pretzel box.
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Kerrah ponders, "Making my ears bleed."
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Bastion crunches on a pretzel.
Daimoth says, "There's a whole other batch next to the other library."
WormTounge takes a pretzel from the box.
Bastion takes a pretzel from the box.
Aria says, "it is kinda fun though '"
mmm... pretzels....
Posted by: DragonHawk on November 7, 2006 10:45 AMmmm...largo....
Posted by: Halo on November 8, 2006 07:28 AMMmm... Largo...
Posted by: Largo on November 8, 2006 02:45 PM