Miratisu sent the following report to TMN:
Hi Para,
Junko came back! He still won't give me the teapot or any of the other stuff in his junkyard, like the orga drum or the barrel of beer. He said "An't got nuthin back there, but always lookin fer more!" Maybe stuff that's too old isn't collectible.
Anyway, Super Chicken and Fiona came to look too. At least he wouldn't give Super Chicken the teapot either. Super Chicken threw a kudzu seed into the junkyard then asked Junko to get something for 15 coins. Junko opened the gate and went inside. The zu seed was the only new thing, so he got it and gave it back to the chicken, who had thrown it in in the first place.
That was funny.
Anyway, I hope I can still get the teapot eventually. I will keep going back to try. When I get it, I want to give it to J'nder. Notice to Super Chicken, teapots are for making tea, not for gnawing on! I will stuff you inside the teapot first!
You only mentioned my name 5 times! I demand a repost of this article that replacesevery word in the post with my name! My chicken glory carves it so!
Posted by: super chicken on September 26, 2006 05:11 PMi wish someone would throw a gossamer in there. ;)
Posted by: DragonHawk on September 27, 2006 11:41 AMWhat I want to know is why the zu doesn't grow in the junkyard? What's been dumped there???? Can Junko have kids?
Posted by: Delirium on September 27, 2006 01:10 PM