September 03, 2006
Exiles Nearly Eaten by Orga


Savior sent the following report to TMN:

Greetings, Paramedic.

I'm sure you have many reports of today's resurrection of Bartok. Wave after wave of attacking orga hit the fields and town until the orgas were able to dance in the return of Bartok.

Some brave exiles chased him all the way to the snell south of Katpus' cave where they saw him disappear into the trees. Rescuing was done and orgas cleaned up out of Camp Dred and Dredwood. When it seemed back to normal, with the Envy and Malices and Mallocks eliminated from the first few snells of Dredwood, Jo'Maril suggested we look at the place where Bartok disappeared. Jeepers, who has a degree in T.H.A.P. (Thoom of Horus and Advanced Pathfinding) agreed to give it a shot.

The path opened, and we all fell as we couldn't wriggle our way back out of the path in time. But where we fell . . .

Bartok's stronghold

One of his minions chained us one by one over to the west side of the snell. Then the Zealots came and chanted us to his priest's hut. He then built a fire and began to cook us!

Teffin on a spit

We finally departed out of there. Seems the lesson of the day is that the orga weren't trying to steal the altar . . . the priests used it to call Bartok back from the dead. Who knows if they will try to steal it in the future? Additionally, Bartok plans to conquer the other tribe of orga and make them "Bartok's Tribe."



Posted by Para at September 03, 2006 10:36 AM
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