November 07, 2005
Athos' Salve Discovery


Drablak sent the following report to TMN:

Hello Para,

Today Athos made quite a discovery! In a old laboratory, he found a red healing salve.

After showing it to K'vynn and me, we explored a bit and K'vynn found a cluster of mutated spores.


Athos then gave the salve to an alchemist, Griggs, who went to the alchemy hut and donated it for analysis.


After analysis, it was discovered that the ingredients were an uli and a mutated spore, and Griggs was successful in making such a salve right away.


We then proceeded to test the salve. We asked a healer to be our test subject and Kira bravely offered to fall for us. And just as we thought, the red healing salve worked on fallen Kira!


So the red healing salve works on fallen healers. This is a great news for Puddleby! Thanks to Athos for donating the rare salve that will now be helpful to all of Puddleby!


Posted by Para at November 07, 2005 08:40 AM
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