October 12, 2005
Strange Rock


Dandelion sent the following report to TMN:

Dear Paramedic,

I tought you'd be innerested in dis.

FB went to Gungla Island onna recent Connie mosey. At da Oasis, we spied a . . . someting . . . hinding 'hind a rock. I made a sketch.

See it? A pointy ting stickin' out da east side. You can see it inna rocks's shadow, too. Den, while Del an' I were healin' an' healin' an' healin' Connie and Manqy up fer da umpteenf time, or mebbe it was K'vynn dat time, I dunno . . . anyway, one of da dunes shifted. So we watched a coupla 'em an' dey shifted s'more times.


Posted by Para at October 12, 2005 11:54 PM
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