August 10, 2005
Portal Planning


Mjollnir sent the following announcement to TMN:

The green portal from town has been moved to the South Forest Hospital for the week in order to provide people with access to the Cloud.

The purple portal is still in position in Camp Dred; people just have to walk a little further to get there.

I ask people not to remove the portal from the Hospital for any great length of time for now (I may arrange to move it further south to run a trip to Faleen Sfoft's Peak to buy parachutes later in the week); please refrain from bringing it back to town yet.

The portal WILL be moved back to town soon (OOC: either this weekend or next Monday).

If the cloud moves away from the mirror, please see your local mystic about repositioning it.


Posted by Para at August 10, 2005 12:41 AM
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