May 10, 2005
Visiting Sheep


Connie Crete sent the following report to TMN:

This be prolly old news, but it were news ta me so here goes.

I were out wanderin around tha Isle o'Contested Ownership or Tha Isle Formally Known as Tenny’s. First tha peculiar thing I found were there were at least 3 separate Sarirs moseyin around. Asked em what they were doin, but they might coulda had an issue with tha phrasin o tha question. Anyways, no response. Then I decided ta go see tha sheeps. So there I were leanin up aginst tha fence tryin ta pet em and thinkin that beer went good with mutton. And I were able ta jump tha fence. Down right peculiar.



Posted by Para at May 10, 2005 11:32 PM
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