Fundin sent the following report to TMN:
"The past few days in Puddleby have been quite eventful for me. With the doors to the library being unbolted, I have seen many old faces popping out to hunt and talk.
"One such event led Astral Duck to organize the Dwarven Militia to all meet up, or at least as many of us as could make it. We met up on our usual meeting day and it was a great joy to see 20 DM out of the library. We shouted "beer" a lot and spammed the sunstone network a tiny bit before heading up to Camp Dred for a spot of hunting.
"In true DM fashion, we made good progress through four snells before hitting some trouble in the waterfall snell. I think our over-excitement made us a little too confident. Needless to say, everyone fell, except me, Consul, and Callus, I think. We managed to drag who we could out, and luckily I had seen some of OWE hunting elsewhere near Camp Dred and called upon them to give us a hand. Eventually, we got those who we could, but the Orga Village-ported people departed due to time constraints. All in all, we had 23 DM out that day, a great day for the beer drinkers of Puddleby.
"My second day out, PTF made a trip to the Abyss. We took it over after some initial problems and falling. We had help from some of Puddleby. We then headed over to the Scaramis Pit to start hunting. The usual setup occurred, and the place was absolutely packed, which was a pleasant if daunting surprise. A good job by Yor and J'jh (I think) led to us setting up well and settling down for a long hard slog against the scaramis. Just look at the picture: we couldn’t see the end of them! Finally, after a long time we killed them all, and took the egg as a prize. Oh, and Relkin fell a lot; he'd like me to tell you that! :-D