January 22, 2005
Trying to Talk with a Drake


Yhoo sent the following report to TMN:

"Are there still any who are trying to communicate with drakes? The other day, I heard word that there was a drake in town. I happened to be on my way back to town at the time . . . and re-entered very, very, very cautiously. But it turned out that the drake was in the 'zoo' . . . the central lawn of town center.

"As it is a very rare opportunity to be able to stay close to a drake, yet be safe . . . and not have a big group of exiles immediately trying to kill it . . . I tried to talk to the drake. I greeted it several times in each of the seven languages I know . . . but it never responded other than with regular drake screeches . . . or showed any sign that it had even heard anything. Tara was also present and made lounge lizard noises . . . but the drake did not seem to comprehend those either. Throughout, it continued to immediately blow flame at any exile who wandered too near to the fence.


"Though I did not expect results, I also tried saying the only word I could remember from what is believed to be a draconic language: "Arrou." It was very hard to say . . . it had to be growled or howled . . . from what I remember about the supposed general sound of the language . . . and even if it was a word, perhaps it was not even recognizable to the drake . . . if I was not forming the sounds right. Unfortunately . . . this too brought no sign of recognition. I stayed and tried to talk to the drake for about two hours . . . with no success ever . . . and eventually had to leave. I do not know what became of the drake after that. Although I could not talk to this drake, I am glad I finally had a chance to look at a drake up close without being felled or frantically running away. They are scary, huge creatures . . . but magnificent and awe-inspiring. Perhaps one day we may learn how to communicate with them better."

Posted by Para at January 22, 2005 10:06 AM
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