December 03, 2004
Portal Moved to Camp Dred


Fundin sent the following report to TMN:

"PAG and the guesting Califas today moved the portal from inside Pitch Cave 1 to Camp Dred. It was a hard battle and took a long time for it to be stable enough to enable the mystics to do their jobs.

"Fortunately we managed to do it and moved it back to Camp Dred. This was the quickest and safest please we could get it to (as we had a mark in Camp Dred, thanks to Valtrim and Rincewind). So, currently it's residing in Camp Dred. Whether it stays there who knows, but currently it's safe as of this posting.

"Thanks to all exiles for being patient with the original (non-PAG) people who moved it, and apologies to those who my warnings failed to reach in time."

Discussion of this topic can be found on the Clan Lord Sentinel.

Posted by Para at December 03, 2004 06:17 AM
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