July 02, 2004
Something Fishy

Monastery pond now

TMN received the following letter to the editor today:

"Dear Paramedic,

"As you or your readers may have noticed, the monastery pond currently contains only two fish in it where once there were three. The last time I was sure that there were still three fish was during the Open Hands Movie Contest prize-giving ceremony, held in that courtyard. One fish disappeared not too long afterwards, and remains missing till this day.

"The monastery is a little less peaceful now, a little less beautiful, a little less serene with the loss of one of its fish evident at every visit. Our town, rough as it is, has many of these small touches that make it home, and it would undoubtedly be upsetting if more of them were to fall to vandals.

"Through your newspaper, I appeal to all exiles to not deface or remove public property for their own use.

Yours sincerely,

Monastery pond in the past with 3 fish

Posted by Para at July 02, 2004 07:35 PM
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