Aprender sent the following report to TMN:
"As J'nder already reported to TMN, three of the Sisters of Benevolence were in town a few days earlier, and I was fortunate enough to also be around at the time. I have enclosed two sketches of us visiting the Museum.
"The first is Tere, Prue, Luce, J'nder, and me admiring Manx's portrait of the Sisters. Tere explained who was who in the portrait, and I have added captions to the sketch.
"Front row, left to right: Tere, Una, Ire
"Middle row, left to right: Ashe, Prue, Luce
"Back row: Zen
"As Luce said, it's a shame that Zen wasn't sitting up higher.
"The second sketch is a close-up detail of the portrait alone."