March 20, 2004
Jazz Passes Fifth


An anonymous TMN correspondent sent this report:

"Not since the male halfling Jumblee missed that war decree something-or-other has a halfling event of such magnitude occurred. Jazz has passed the fifth circle fighter test.

"Asked to comment Jazz replied, 'Fighter tests? Oh yeah. Forgot about those the last couple years, thought I'd try it out again. I have no Detha so it came as a surprise to me when that Blood Wrym fell.'

"Queried for further comment, Jazz replied, while calmly braiding her luxurious toe hair, 'I'm no Adua.' She then 'banged a rang' and disappeared into the night after casually tossing a flagon of Bones Brand™ ThoomCare Scalp Tonic to the intrepid reporter."

Posted by Para at March 20, 2004 03:41 PM
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