Galadriel reports to TMN:
"A few days ago, I joined a group of exiles to chat with Eldon GM in the fairgrounds. A variety of topics were discussed..."
Read below to see the full report.
(My apologies for not posting this earlier. I briefly misplaced it, and I was just about to publish it when I started having some difficulties a few days back.
- Para)
"The highlights:
He stated that he was 'nearly done' with his new island. It will have several new creatures, and some new creature AIs too.
He thinks that the Oak Basher is far too powerful a weapon for one that does not require a training investment, and doubts they will become widely available without a decrease in their power. He was pleased that exile vs. exile dueling was not really disruptive.
Complex AIs, like having wounded creatures run away, were discussed, but the consensus was that they might not be as "fun" as they sound for exile hunters.
He stated that he had gone through the exile-generated 'dead end' list, and found fully half of them to NOT be abandoned stories. However, he also stated that real dead-ends do exist and will not be removed, since they represent the conclusions of past stories.
Fishwinkle made a pest of himself by pushing Eldon around, and after some warnings, Eldon had a giant hand reach out the ground and carry Fishwinkle away to the Orga Camp. Fishwinkle ran back and got sent away yet again.
8/6/03 7:15:54p Eldon GM ponders, "someone wants a free trip to Orga Village"
8/6/03 7:16:03p Manquilor exclaims, "Turn him into a baby meshra!"
8/6/03 7:16:04p Fishwinkle ponders, "been there done that"
8/6/03 7:16:34p Ebony says, "Give him a permanent, unremovable dueling glove ;)"
8/6/03 7:19:22p (Fishwinkle thooms in Eldons ear)
8/6/03 7:33:32p Fishwinkle says, "/push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM"
8/6/03 7:33:39p Fishwinkle says, "Uh oh..."
8/6/03 7:33:40p Fishwinkle says, "/push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM /push Eldon GM"
8/6/03 7:33:43p Fishwinkle says, "=D"
8/6/03 7:33:43p Manquilor says, "Byeeee"
8/6/03 7:33:46p Mujin-kun says, "uh"
8/6/03 7:33:46p Sabbit ponders, "thank you"
8/6/03 7:33:47p Urgelt says, "heh"
8/6/03 7:33:48p Famous Shoes says, "hahahahahhahahaha"
8/6/03 7:33:49p Manquilor says, "hehe"
8/6/03 7:33:49p (Galadriel giggles)
8/6/03 7:33:59p Galadriel ponders, "nice touch too"
8/6/03 7:34:03p Eldon GM ponders, "and he can't /curse a NPC"
The seccond time was uncalled for... luckily for Eldon i wont be around fo awhie
Posted by: Fishwinkle on August 18, 2003 10:02 PMHe stated that he had gone through the exile-generated 'dead end' list, and found fully half of them to NOT be abandoned stories.
Yeah, sure. They're not "abandoned" stories. They're "active" stories that haven't progressed in 3 years. BIG difference, there.
However, he also stated that real dead-ends do exist and will not be removed, since they represent the conclusions of past stories.
Maybe they could be clearly marked in some way so that people don't spend TOO much time banging their heads on them?
Posted by: Hidden on August 21, 2003 12:34 PM